So far it has been one of the strangest and most difficult months we've had since taking over Black Diamond Boutique in September 2019. Never could we have imagined what we are all going through currently. One thing it has made us realise, is how important our local and wider community is. It is with your support and kindness that has kept us going these past few weeks.
We had a few sleepless nights fuelled by coffee figuring out how to set up the new website for the shop. It took us three long days but we have got there and have been operating for over four weeks now. It has gone from strength to strength and i'm proud of what we have achieved. Its thanks to this that i'm contacting you as you ticked the box to allow us to get in touch :)
Home schooling for a 13 year old has proven to be a challenge alongside everything else, but has really bought us all together despite the arguments! I really hope if anything, this has been the same for you in that we have all slowed down and took the time to appreciate the smaller things. I know I have.
I have been placing orders for Xmas, lots of gorgeous dresses and sparkly numbers which not only feels strange as the weather has been so nice and winter clothing is the last thing on our minds, but also ordering for a time if and when we will be open? Feels very odd, I'm an organised person who loves nothing more than a list and a plan!
At the moment we still have no date for reopening so we are carrying on regardless! We are at the shop weekly cleaning, improving and changing the window displays. Dave is making adjustments for when we can reopen whilst social distancing still applies so that we can welcome you all back safely as possible.
Finally in the background i'm still working on the "Busy in Burbage" reward card system which is ready to go and launch when we can. It feels like now we have learnt to support local businesses more than ever so this will be a great addition to our community and its shops.
Take care everyone and thank you again for all your support.
Sam, Dave and Anna