Transitioning your wardrobe to summer

Transitioning your wardrobe to summer

Transitioning your wardrobe to summer

As you read this, we will be experiencing life in week 10 of “lockdown”. It’s crazy to think that as we entered lockdown we were still in our wintery clothes and now we can’t get our shorts on fast enough!

This amazing weather Mother Nature has treated us to during April & May has meant that we have had to dig out the summer items pretty fast…which is great of course, however, has it meant that your wardrobe is now in a bit of a muddle?

Here are 7 steps you can take to ensure your wardrobe makes the transition to summer in a tidy fashion…

🧡 Check all “winter” clothes are in a good state of repair. Anything that needs attention (such as a button sewing on, a de-bobble, hems needing shortening etc) put to one side. Everything else; clean and fold it.

🧡 Keep out ‘Cross seasonal’ garments that are useful all year round eg: denim jacket, long sleeve t-shirts, light weight jackets. We will have chilly days and need an extra layer.

🧡 Garments set aside for mending/altering; if you can do yourself, get on and do them. those you cant, organise drop off/collection with a local seamstress. Items needing closer attention, why not ask your local seamstress if they have a waiting list for when they reopen properly?

🧡 If space allows, I recommend packing away your winter clothes. Opening the wardrobe to current clothes gives us a more uplifting feeling than having to wade through bulky items to find something appropriate! I am lucky to have a wardrobe with a shelf at the very top and that iswhere I put my “out of season” clothes - packed in a bag, on the shelf. You may have a cupboard,a spare room or even use the loft.

🧡 Having not seen some of these summer clothes probably since September, take the time now to check that each item still fits and that it is in a good state of repair.

🧡 Organise your wardrobe/ drawers/ shelves to best view these items. There is nothing worse than having too much crammed on hangers or stuffed into a drawer. I recommend where possible,to fold and store alongside each other in a drawer; t-shirts, shorts, vest tops, knitwear. (do notstack - we never wear what is on the bottom of the stack!) Fold jeans and store on a shelf and hang only dresses, skirts, tailored trousers (from the hem) blouses and jackets.

🧡 Only then, take a look at your summer collection and evaluate if anything is missing which would make a difference. eg: a denim skirt could give all those t-shirts a new lease of life.

FB: @sarahgraystyling

Insta: @sarahgraystyling


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